Quote Originally Posted by Evil86lx
Sorry.. My post wasnt meant as a hijack more of a comparison.. My bad.

And yes i really want a water/alchy kit. I just dont want to spend to much money on the SVO. I'm afraid that it will snowball and I'll start making mods that where not in the original plan. Thats what the lx is for.


Hey like i said i like it when it happens, i do it all the time LOL makes me feel better about it. I think if there is knowledge to gain by it then by all means lets highjack away. Besides it's easier than having like 5 threads going about the same general topic and all of us jumping around trying to type on each one and eventually they all end up in one thread anyway. Besides this was a thread about racing and we are still talking about racing hahahaha... i would hate to have to run at your elevation. Well i guess i really wouldnt; if it was what i had. Cause atleast i would still be racing. I just wouldn't want to see what my current times up there would be lol.

Now see if we weren't highjacking this thread, we would be in the forum we are in, then the body shop forum, the general BS and probably another forum all at once.. This way is much easier.