

Car blog 2

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Well, found out you can only have ten pictures in any post. Need to split it up, I guess.

Home made head liner- not bad for $10 worth of craft store vinyl.

My solution to the GT40P plug wire problems. It is actually a cut to fit wire set for a Chevy- all 90 degree boots. Fit great. Even the ones that did not NEED the 90 degree boots still fit and look better, I think.

If you are going to drag race, your driveshaft had better not have any dings, or you had better never get traction. Oops.

Updated 07-06-2013 at 07:41 PM by brianj

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  1. 82GTforME's Avatar
    Cool stuff. You should do a quick how to on doing the headliner replacement so I can learn to do it!