
Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Still Waiting...

    It's been a while since I posted lately, so I figured I just make a quick update. Whereas we've had a pretty easy winter here in Kansas so far, we've finally paid for it with brutal cold and snow the past couple of weeks. Progress has been slow for the most part. I installed a new thermostat and am waiting on some clips to reinstall my fan shroud. I'm still awaiting my new engine harness from FMR. It's killing me because this is the last piece of the puzzle before I can fire her up. I ordered ...
  2. Spring Is Almost Here

    Well, the weather has been pretty mild here in Kansas so I've taken advantage and buttoned up a few things on the Twister. I feel more of a sense of urgency to get things done as the warm weather has me thinking about spring and getting the car out.

    I finished up the new Edelbrock Performer intake and carburetor installation. I also got the valve covers and breathers installed today as well. I adjusted a rocker that was being noisy, but we will see how she sounds once she fires up ...
  3. Making Progress...

    Wow, it's hard to believe it's been a month since I've been on here, but that's the way holidays go in my household. We had an unusually warm day here which prompted me to get a couple of small things done on the Twister today. I managed to get the 8 pin engine harness connector spliced in and took care of a couple ground wires that were chewed up as well.

    The FMR 8 pin connector went in nicely. Here shortly I'm going to order the main engine harness as mine is toast. Once I deciphered ...
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  4. Digging In

    Well I finally got some free time to play around with the car a bit, holidays are nuts around my house. I pulled the intake and valve covers to get them ready for powder coating. While pulling the covers off my suspicions were confirmed that the engine has roller rockers. They were a little noisy and the valve covers were the taller Motorsport covers. It appears that it has the Crane cobra rockers. Some of them appear to possibly need some shim work, so I will focus attention in that area while ...
  5. Some Things Never Change...

    It's been quite some time since I've had a Mustang to call my own. I've had a few in the past, but as with most everyone's life at some point, other priorities took precedence. I stepped away from cars for a while, but for the best reasons. However, I must say it is refreshing to be back in the driver's seat, and thankfully I am in the position now to take advantage of it.

    I picked the Twister II up from a gentlemen in Gardner, Kansas, about a 15 minute drive from my home town. ...
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